Kid's Club
(Children's Ministry)
Sunday Service's

Lead by Pastor Chace, our Children's Ministry runs alongside our Adult Services on Sundays. We provide a Nursery Ministry for infants and toddlers, and continue to provide Children's Ministry all the way to 6th Grade on Sundays.
Kids are encouraged to attend Sunday School at 9:15AM, where they have Bible Study, Scripture Memory, Games, and more
Between Sunday School and Worship Service, children can enjoy a snack with Pastor Chace for breakfast.
At 10:30 AM, kids are invited to worship with the whole Church before making their way to a service designed especially for them.

Kid's Club
Wednesday Nights from 6:00-7:30 PM, Kids Club is held at the Main Campus. Welcoming everyone from Kindergarten-6th Grade, kids come to eat, worship, learn, and play while being in the presence of The Most High.
Indy Naz Kidz
on Facebook and stay up to date!

Shuttle/Van Ministry
Children can catch a ride on the Shuttle/Van to church on Sunday morning and on Wednesday nights. Families that need to have their children picked up for any of these times please call the Church office at 620.331.5404
Summer Activities
Vacation Bible School
Each summer the Children’s ministry offers a VBS for ages pre-k through 6th grade. VBS is filled with Bible stories, songs, games, crafts, food and much, much more.

Kids Camp
Indy Naz attends camp alongside other churches on the Joplin District at Camp Cyokamo. Camp, this year, is divided up 2 into sessions, Elementary (1st – 3rd grade), and Preteens (4th - 6th grade). Camp Fees differ upon each age group. However, we here at Indy Naz give every opportunity for the kids to earn the money for them to go. Some of the activities the kids enjoy is swimming, late night devotions and singing around the camp fire, and all kinds of activities that make camp so memorable for your kids. Camp can be a life changing experience, please encourage your child to attend!
We encourage parents & adults to serve in these ministries as well as anyone who has a heart for God and his little children.
Opportunities available are:
Teacher / Helper in Sunday School.
Teacher / Helper for Wednesday Nights
VBS workers
Providing snacks or supplies
Riding as a van helper
Driving the Van in a rotation
Nursery Volunteer
Special events