Luz Del Mundo
(Hispanic Church)
Friday Night Services

At our Activity Center (11th & Walnut), Luz Del Mundo holds Friday Night Services at 7:00 - 8:00 PM.
Adults services are lead by Pastor Josh Mitchell, and Children's services are lead by Pastor Zuri Mitchell.
After service, we serve dinner to everyone.
Tuesday Night Services
Lead by Pastor Zuri, our Youth & Children's Ministry runs alongside our Futsol (soccer) services on Tuesdays Nights at the Activity Center (11th & Walnut).
Starting at 6:45 PM, Kids are fed and taught lessons that are both in English and Spanish. Ages range from 3 - 18 years old.
We also provide Futsol (soccer) services that start at 7:00 PM, and are open to everyone. We play indoors and share a devotion from Pastor Josh, that allows Spanish and English speakers to have a great time of fun and worship.
We also have Futsol Sunday Evenings at 7:00 PM

Shuttle/Van Ministry
Children & Teens can also catch a ride on the Shuttle/Van to the Hispanic Church on Tuesdays & Fridays. Families that need to have their teens or children picked up for any of these times please call the Church office at (620) 330-1966.